Sunday, September 25, 2016

git commands

List of git commands that we might need when working with git.

In local machine after installing git:

git log #Log of our repo

git clone repo #To take a copy from repository in git hub to our local machine

git checkout <commitid> #To a detached headstate

For details on detached head state  please check this link

git diff <first commit id> < second commit id>

git init

git status

--Commands to add files to staging area

git add 'filename1'
git add 'filename2'

git status

git commit -m "Comment"

git diff <workingdir> <Staging dir>

git diff --staged #to diff between staging and repo

git reset --hard #to revert to previous commit ,to make master point to some previous commit


git branch <branch-name>
git checkout <branch-name>

git log --graph --oneline branchname branchaname

[git checkout  -b <branchname>

equals to following two commands

git branch <newbranchname>
git checkout <newbranchname>]

Merge :

git merge <b1> <b2>

Diff between a commit and parent with out knowing it's parent id

git show <commitid>

Delete a branch:

git branch -d <branchname>

Remote branch:

git remote  add origin url
git remote
git remote -v

git push origin master

Pull branch:

git pull origin master

git log  #to update the remote to local and check if updates happens.

Fork a repo:

Merging remote changes:

If remote and local has changes on same file.During conflicts, use fetch.

git fetch origin
git merge master origin/master

origin/master points to the remote repository on git hub

Pull request commands:

git branch newbranchname
git checkout newbranchname

git checkout master

git add 'filename'
git commit
git push origin <newbranchname>

Clone Remote and cross -repo conflicts:

git remote add upstream 'original repo'
git checkout master
git pull upstream master

git checkout 'anotherbranch'

origin - forked repo
upstream - original repo

Merge newbranch with master

git merge master 'anotherbranch'

git add
git commit
git push origin 'anotherbranch'

Delete a remote branch:

git branch --remote
git push origin --delete <branch-name> 

List of Programming languages from A- Z

A - Ada
B - Bash
C - C
D - D
E - Erlang
F - Fortan
G - go
H - Haskell
I - Icon
J - Java
K - K
L - Lisp
O - Octave
P - Python
Q - Q
R - R
S - Scala
T - Tcl
U - Unix
V - Verilog
W - Whitespace
X - xBase
Y - Yorick
Z - ZShell

Project Euler #8 - Largest Product in a series - Python

n = map(int, raw_input().split()) #To read the number of digits and 
                                  #k consecutive numbers
num = int(raw_input()) # To read the digit
#print n[1]
#print num
stri = str(num)
product = 0
for i in xrange(len(stri) - n[1] + 1):
        temp = 1
        k = i
        for j in range(n[1]):        
            temp = temp * int(stri[k])
            k = k + 1
        if(temp > product):
            product = temp
            #print product
print product